Leestijd: 2 minuten
This week I’m attending the Diverse 2009 conference in Aberystwyth, Wales. There will be lot of online coverage of this event. I will be reporting via Twitter, Flickr, YouTube and SURFgroups (Dutch online environment for higher education). I will update this post when other backchannels are discovered.
Conference wiki and Flipumentaries
The Dutch attendees will report via a wiki in a special “SURFgroep”. We will be shooting ‘Flipumentaries‘ with the Flip camera all week long and of course write about the sessions, the creative concept coffees and more. Every participant of Diverse 2009 can join this site and work together on this report of the conference. You can find the SURFgroup at http://www.surfgroepen.nl/sites/diverse/2009/default.aspx
Microblogging, social media and a Twitterfountain
My livestream will consist of microblogging via Twitter (follow me via http://www.twitter.com/jeroenbottema), pictures via Flickr, video’s via YouTube and live updates via CoverItLive (read below). If you use the tag #diverse2009 in your tweets and Flickr photo’s they will appear in the Twitterfountain that Michel Jansen of VU University in Amsterdam has created for the conference. You can embed this fountain in your own blog or website.
There is a YouTube channel for this conference: Diverse 2009. If you tag your own YouTube movies with #diverse2009 the movies will shown in the playlists on this channel.
I will be using CoverItLive for the first time. Depending on availability of wifi and power, I will do some live sribbling via CIL. It prevents me from spamming my followers on Twitter. We will see how it goes. The CIL also shows tweets with the tag #diverse2009. I will be playing with some of CIL’s features, like a poll, inserting YouTube movies, pictures, etc.
<a href=”http://www.coveritlive.com/mobile.php?option=com_mobile&task=viewaltcast&altcast_code=882ec8436b” mce_href=”http://www.coveritlive.com/mobile.php?option=com_mobile&task=viewaltcast&altcast_code=882ec8436b” >Diverse 2009</a>
So. You think that’s enough for the people back home?