Leestijd: 4 minuten
This year I will attend the Online Educa in Berlin for the first time. The formal reason is the research project Students’ Voices of the Centre of eLearning of INHolland University of Applied Sciences and the University of Canberra. We’re doing a session on friday. The informal reason is to learn, get inspired, exchange ideas, meeting people and getting creative.
So what am I up to this week, next to the plenary sessions. My agenda, thanks to myOEB:
Wednesday, December 1st
Pre-conference Learning, Innovation and ICT
Selected ongoing projects under the Lifelong Learning Programme which relate to learning, innovation and ICT will present their results and experiences along four main policy themes. […] The discussions will focus on future avenues and will provide input to the upcoming discussions on the future Lisbon objectives and the Lifelong Learning Programme.
A ‘broad topic’ session. What’s the current situation regarding to ICT and learning in Europe. Sessions about impact and implications for learning of using ICT in education and training, digital competence building and equity, online learning communities, ICT as an enabler of creativity and innovation in education and training. Keynotes, case studies and panel discussions.
But maybe I’ve registered to soon for this session. The School Forum sounds great too:
Building the school of the future: With the School Forum – the new Berlin Forum on Technology and Learning Trends for Schools- ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN aims to create a central meeting point for teachers and headteachers interested in qualified innovative and exciting e-learning projects. Through the insights of renowned experts combined with the opportunity to share knowledge and resources, educators can broaden their horizons and explore new ways of successfully employing e-learning in the classroom. A variety of hands-on activities will help to explore “how it really works”. source: pre-conference PDF
Default language is German, that’s a setback. Can understand it fine, speak but a few standard words and sentences. I’ll let it depend on the moment.
Thursday, December 2nd
Research to Practice, Pilot to Mainstream: The Media Zoo Approach
Research into learning technologies is growing rapidly. The challenge facing educators is cost-effectively turning pilot projects to practice. This Learning Café enables delegates to explore the strategy and achievements of research-based Media Zoo at the University of Leicester and the impact on the learners’ experience.
Coming up with great ideas with learning technologies is the easy part, implementing the hard part. I hope to learn from the strategies mentioned and see what I use for my own pilot-projects.
Mixed Media for Learning: Hype or Hit?
Educational institutions increasingly search for new and effective ways of working and learning with mixed media. The speakers in this session present a range of mixed media approaches and initiatives for institutional learning environments. This will be followed by a debate about the actual value of technology for learning.
21st Century Assessment Debate
Can traditional forms of learning assessment meet the needs of 21st century customers? Skills are changing rapidly, learners expect innovation, and businesses want to know that individuals can deliver results. How can new technologies add value to assessment? Hear the arguments in this session and contribute your own during the debate.
I’m not sure what it’s going to be. The first appeals to me because of my job as a teacher trainer, this is the stuff that I want my students to learn. I would love to hear what Inge de Waardt has to say. Her blog is in my essential reading list. As is the blog of Wilfred Rubens who chairs this session. The second appeals to me because of my interest in 21st century learning and it’s effect on learning and education. We should re-design education. This session will give me food for thought, I hope. I’m also interested in this topic because of my involvement with digital portfolio’s and assessing via videoreflection.
Ah, the choises!
The School Session
Further to the pre-conference “School Forum”, this interactive session features primary and secondary school students and teacher trainees who will be discussing the use or lack of Web 2.0 tools in today’s schools. How can educational institutions successfully integrate formal and informal learning and effectively tap into open educational resources?
This session is chaired by Guus Wijngaards of the Centre of eLearning of INHolland University, my boss. He’s having students on the stage talking about the use of social media in the classroom. The students’ voice. I’ll be assisting of shooting a ‘Flipumantary’. Guus was talking about Stephen Heppell’s Be Very Afraid sessions. Should be fun.
Friday, December 4th
Listening to Students’ Voices
This is the project I’m currently working on in my work for the Centre of eLearning of INHolland University. It’s a co-project with the University of Canberra.
This session analyses students’ and early career teachers’ views and expectations on learning with technologies. Guus Wijngaards and Kathryn Moyle look into possibilities for future developments and for new research to investigate how education can be transformed to meet students’ views, experiences and expectations.
More information on our website: Studentsvoices.org. I’ll be shooting a Flipumentary.
Use Your Brain!
“How do we learn?” is a question which has been engaging scientists and practitioners for a long time. This session looks at the learning process from a neurological point of view, how multiple media inputs affect performance and enhance learning skills, and what role ICT-supported tools play in this discussion.
It so happens that the next masterclass of the master Learning & Innovation of INHolland University, of which I am one of the studycoaches, is about this topic. Learn and re-distribute! And Jay Cross is chairman of this session. Looking forward to this one.
Developing Design Principles for Learning Spaces
Every educational organisation has a learning space, either virtual or physical. The physical learning space (with or without ICT) is an important element in the total learning design. Participants will engage in small round-table discussions in which they (learn how to) develop design principles for designing a learning space.
Interested in this session in my role as a teacher trainer. And because it’s a workshop, some active learning in the last session of the conference won’t do me any harm. I’m hoping I can contribute with my expertise.
This is my pre-selection. I’m open for last minute changes, letting the informal learner in me in total control.
Image source: Ernwaca.org