Fill The Gap 7: Mobilising Youth For Development (#ftgap)

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  1. Fill-the-Gap! 7: R U Online? “Mobilising youth for development”
    January 2010

    Open Space: Round 1, Session 11:

    Discussion Topic
    How can we use ‘Play’ to create/strengthen youth’s ICT skills, and enhance adoption of ICTs by youth, in the Global South?


  2. Make learning environments that kids are exposed to less text-oriented, but rather more graphic/images/animations-oriented (e.g. Moodle)
  3. Make sure kids have a personal/individual ICT tool in order for them to feel free to control it , experiment with it, etc. (personal computer, mobile phone, something else?)
  4. Create/support learning opportunities for students from non-formal environments to learn ICT/programming skills (practical technical curriculum), e.g. Nairobits curriculum includes J2ME programming language to create applications and games for mobile phones)
  5. Create awareness: ‘What could YOU DO if you learned to programme?’
  6. Employ ‘Pair-programming’ approaches by those who can and those who can’t design/develop/programme, locally and at a distance if possible North South, South South
  7. Think about triggers for kids to engage in experimental behaviour using their ICTs, e.g.
  8. o Feedback as reward for experimental behaviour
    o Ability to share content created by them with friends
    o Create/link to sharing platform
    o Ability to profile oneself

  9. Install/port animation/game production software for (offline) availability at community information centres
  10. Create ‘Kids’ Corners’ in community information centres with software applications and platforms which can be used to play/experiment/develop apps
  11. Work on connectivity solutions for youth to access games/platforms and to be able to interact
  12. Develop entrepreneurial games which allow kids to simulate setting up and running shops
  13. Examples of games mentioned
    – Farmville (Zinga, Facebook),
    – Darfur is Dying (MTV Networks),
    – Food Force (World Food Programme),

    Platforms/Tools mentioned
    – Game Maker,
    – Scratch,
    – Cinekid Studio,
    – Logo (programming language),

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